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Take me to Church Perfume

Take me to Church Perfume

Regular price €189,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €189,00 EUR
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I realized God was NOT up in heaven God is WITHIN!

Extrait concentration


Piper Negru, Piper Roz, Piper Szechuan, Note Solar-Aldehidice, Cuisoare, Sofran, Praf, Rasină de Elemi

Lumânări, Tămâie(Olibanum), Flori Mortuare, Biserică Veche, Mir, Lemn de Cedru, Cypriol, Piele

Hydrocarborasină, Mosc, Lemn de Santal, Lemn de Guaiac, Gudron de Mesteacăn, Piatră, Seminte de Ambretă

This is a story of grief, luck and grind. Everything is a part of me and my message can be perceived by all senses that touch your soul: visual, tactile, flagrant and musically.

The story of the name is a mystery that you can read only on the back of the label, through the oil. My grandma’s passing had a strong impact on me, as a 7 year old boy and the feeling of grief inspired me to create this perfume.

The smell of incense and summer flowers that are slowly drying in the sun are remembered in the flagrance.

The leather label represents the pain that I endured and overcome, becoming stronger every day.

The peppercorn smell compliments well the aroma and 7 of them can be found in the bottle as my lucky number is 7.

The motto is placed casually on the front of the bottle but delivers the strongest message: God is everywhere and I believe in Him.

The box have been packed with the same attention to detail that characterize the product, containing 6 hand made postcards. Each image was crafted by my tattoo artist and are imprinted in my skin.

You can also find my favorite playlist to fully emerge you in the experience.

Parfumul este limbajul primordial al iubirii. Primul contact dintre bebeluș si mama sa este parfumul mamei. Asa se recunosc unul pe celălalt. De la acest insight am conceput și eu acest parfum intim și personal. 
Iubesc notele mistice de mir și tămâie, iubesc parfumurile care fac parte din tine așa cum personalitatea și ADN-ul fac parte din noi. 
Am lucrat și lucrez cu branduri internaționale și printr-un joc fortuit al sorții l-am descoperit pe David de la Toskovat, un geniu pasionat de parfumerie care are deja propriul brand recunoscut world wide și alături de el mi-am creat propria formulă, propriul parfum care îmi poartă semnătura de la primele note până la ultimele.

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